Gary Hamel, who is referred to as the world’s leading expert on business strategy by the Fortune Magazine and is called the world’s reigning strategy guru by The Economist, challenges the world to ponder on the below mentioned four issues that management is facing, or going to face acutely in the near future. If you think, you can answer to any, or all, of his questions; you can reply to him on his blog site. Unlike many scholars, however, he has promised to give you the credit for your own ideas!!! You can definitely count on him for his words!!
1. What are the deep-seated impediments, or “design flaws,” that limit the capacity of organizations to adapt (to change without trauma); to innovate (to mobilize the imagination of everyone, every day); and to engage (to create environments that inspire extraordinary contributions).
2. Given these systemic impediments, and the new demands that will confront organizations in the years ahead, what should be the agenda for 21st century management innovators? That is, what are the “moon shot challenges” that must be addressed if we are to create organizations that are truly fit for the future?
3. Can we imagine, even in outline form, some potential solutions to these challenges, and if so, what sorts of experiments might be useful in helping us to test these ideas in real world settings?
4. More generally, what could be done to help accelerate the evolution of management in the years to come, that is, what is it that limits the pace of management innovation and how might these limits be overcome?
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