Friday, November 14, 2008

Your Career Is Yours

So far in life and with whatever professional experience I have, I can confidently say that a professional should change, close to, six to seven jobs in his/her professional career. Change is always a good thing, as it teaches you a lot. The most obvious positive outcome of change is your enhanced ability of adapting to different environments, as you rise through the rank and file of the organizations you work for.

I strongly deny that one should start and end one’s professional career working for the first organization itself. No matter who preaches that one should work for only one or two organizations during his entire professional career, I just don’t agree – even if it is God himself.

Mostly, people who don’t like changes make silos within the organization to survive and to rise through the rank and file, most of the times, killing professionalism.

So, my earnest advice to all those who are listening to me is that be a genuine performer, and be ready to embrace change. Doing so will put you in command of your professional life, otherwise some dickhead would decide your professional career, which you will certainly don’t like. Be the change you want to see in the world, and, relentlessly, keep reaching out for the helm.

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