It is a human tendency that we seek for guidance to success. So, we throw many questions to others. Typically, we ask: What did you do to succeed? What is the best way to do it? What is the right way of doing it? And, stuff like that!! Don't we do so?
Trust me, the right way of seeking guidance is to ask NOT the above-mentioned types of questions, but questions like these: What should I avoid doing? What are the wrong ways of doing this? What made you to fail? And, stuff like that!! Do you get the point?
The point is very simple, and is very logical too!! Success HIDES a lot of short-comings!! People who succeed may not be the right people to guide you, simply because:
1) Their ways of doing things might not suit you at all, and might cause you disaster!!
2) They might have got lucky!! Who knows!! Flukes work!! Don't they?
3) There could be N number of other ways of getting something right!!
4) You might not have a flare for it!
5) You might have your own ways of doing the same thing!
And, sometimes, success tells you not to repeat it, because you just got lucky!! So, don't be surprised, if I ask you not to do stuff that, somehow, I managed to pull it off myself!!
So, the conclusion is that you should know: When to ask what? When not to ask? Who to ask? Who you should not ask to? How to ask? How you should not ask? What not to ask? Got it!! You better! :-)
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